Summer Wrap Up 2018
Our final 3 outings of the Season
Pot Luck Supper - Magic Pines
August 24 thru 26th. with Barbara Connelly
A good time was had by all at the Twirling Campers weekend held at HorseShoe Acres in Andover, VT. We danced 4 to 5 squares throughout the weekend. We appreciate the dancers who walked in to participate for the workshops and the evening dances! Thank you Cast Off 8's and Monadnock Squares.
Labor Day Weekend August 31st thru Sept 4th. With Maureen Wall on Rounds.
We spent in Lewis, New York for the first time running a camp and dance weekend at "MAGIC PINES". There must be Magic in those Pines as we had 16 registered campers. Plus many walk ins from nearby hotels.
Previous campers of Bob LaBounty were so helpful in showing us the ropes and guiding us along. Welcome dances, workshops, craft session, talent show and Roaring Campfires every night we were there--Thank you Leo for the campfire wood! What beer? Also thanks to all who participated in the Talent Show - Steve Desrosiers on Squares, Cupid Shuffle with Debbie, Leo Thomas cued his first ever round dance, Skits with Leo & Gail, Dot & Annie let's feed the Alligator! Jim with his stories at the Campfire--Hey where's the Brick, Sally-Ann saying Don Please sit down! I was hoarse for 3 days after the final night!
Gordon & Janet the Campground owners, as well as the dancers have asked us to come back for Memorial Weekend as well as Labor Day weekend next year.
We look forward to our weekends and meeting and dancing with our camping Friends.
Sept 9th thru the 12th. We found ourselves cruising down the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey. We called a dance for the Northern New Jersey Square Dancer Association in Bridgewater NJ. Nine Squares enjoyed a festive dance with Don on Squares and Ron Rumble on the Rounds. I also did a tribute tip to a caller (Anthony Casale) that unexpectedly passed away that week using the only Singing Call record he had recorded. He was a friend who had cruised the Mediterranean with us, it was well recieved.
Special thanks go out to our hosts in New Jersey ** John and Lacey H.** Thank you so much for your hospitality. And Mah Jong?
Wednesdaythe 12th we called at Crosstrails Square Dance Club. Small dance but we danced some very interesting Choreo.
It was a very full 3 weeks and we are now into the start of the New Dancer Start up time.
First indications say it is going to be a promising season!
BIG NEWS -- You asked and we listened. Save the date we are in the initial stages of planning our next Cruise. May 2nd thru 16th, 2020 we are blocking out.
HAWAII it will be a 12 day cruise. More details will follow when they are available!
Squarely yours,
Don & Sally-Ann Bachelder
PS The Spider is what greeted us on our mailbox after being away TOO LONG!