Mid Winter News
Bitter Cold doesn’t keep Dancers IN.
Bleak bitter cold did not stop over 5 Squares from attending Monadnock Squares Keene, NH Dance on Feb.13th. The temperature outside at the start was 1 degree but we heated the dance floor up and kept everyone movin and groovin. The picture above represents 12 entries that took part in our Crafty Heart Contest. Ellen & Randy from the Rebels took first Prize with their portable "Romantic Dinner for 2" which was attached to Randy as a sandwich style display board. Congratulations to a very clever couple!
Most everyone that brought an entry gathered for the photo above. By the time the dance was over we were out to face a MINUS 10 degree trip home. Thank You to all the hearty souls for coming out and dancing the night away.
Other NEWS we are facing a very busy March coming up soon. We thought we might get this news out early so hopefully you can join us if we are in your area!
Feb 28 - 2 PM Triple C's in CT for an Advanced A1 & A2 Dance, I know this is not March
March 4 - Friday The Reelers SDC - Randolph, NJ 7:30 to 10 PL w/Roy Gotta on Rounds
March 6 - Sunday Friendship Squares - Wilton, ME 2 to 5 M-P w/Carol Arsenault on Rds.
March 12 - Lamoille River Swingers - Morrisville, VT with Steve Desrosiers -- Class
March 13 - North Country Swingers - Derby Line, VT with Barb Connelly - Early A-M-PL
March 18 - Merry Mohicans - Queensbury, NY -- with Walter Wall Rds -- M - PL
March 19 - Pittsfield Squares - Pittsfield, MA -- M - PL
As you can see we are traveling near and far. Hope when we are in your area you can come out and join us for some fun dancing. We should also let you know that we have started to receive deposits for our Mediterranean Cruise with Tim Marriner in March of 2017. We'll attach the flier FYI. Still no pricing available on flights. Let us know if you want to be on the cruise info mailings,
Posted: to General News on Mon, Feb 15, 2016
Updated: Mon, Feb 15, 2016