Nashville TN
Callerlab 2012
April Fools Day found us up at 5 AM traveling to Hartford to board a 7:30 flight to Charlotte. we got there and our plane to take us to Nashville did not show up! April - Fools- NOT. It was an extra 1 1/2 hours before we made a connecting flight. Checked in at the Sheraton Music City Hotel. we met many old friends it was great. Sunday night we attended the Square Dance Music Producers Dance. Many of the record label owners were in attendance and participated; Elmer Sheffield, Tony Oxendine, Wade Driver, Buddy Weaver to mention just a few.
Monday 9 AM opening session 310 callers; Elmer Sheffield presided. A group of songwriters from Nashville came in and as a group in a span of about 1 1/2 hours a song-- It's A Grand Ole Opportunity was written and recorded. Thank You Kid Billy Music that was amazing. 11 AM Breakout Sessions so much to participate in and try to determine which we should attend. We split up to cover as much as possible. I attended calling with alternative music; while Sally-Ann covered the social scene. Lunch at 12:30 followed by more sessions till 5:30. Monday night banquet 7 to 9:30 Awards were presented and then we were entertained by songwriter & performer Billy Montana. He had us all singing. 9:30 Callerlab Foundation Auction--What Fun. Jon & Vernnon Jones auctioneers and Tony Oxendine, Debra Carrol Jones, Carla Jones were all runners. Close to $10,000 was raised in about 2 hours. 11:15 PM found us dancing a Zesty Contra Dance with New Englands own Clark Baker. Midnight we retired to the lounge to smooze with friends. 1:30 finally ends the day!
Tuesday 9 AM thru 5 PM many interesting sessions were available. We continued to split up to get as much bang for our buck as possible. So much info -- So little Time. It was the best Callerlab I've ever attanded and got so much out of. Tuesdays banquet hosted by Bill Heyman another New Englander. Certificates of 25 and 50 year calling were given out. Don was recognized for his 28th year. Jon Jones killed the name said we should all have easy names like Jones or Smith. Bob Brundage formerly of CT was given a Milestone Award.. A late night dance using just the basic list was enjoyed by all participants. A Japanese Caller was a real surprise! Although not able to speak English his impeccable calling was fluent in Square Dance terminalogy.
9AM Wednesday morning business meeting till Noon with closing session. We left and headed for the Cumberland River. It was time to have some R & R on board the General Jackson. The largest showboat/riverboat in the country. We had seats right beside the stage. Steve Hall and the ShotGun Red Show was fantastic!! Music\, Comedy, Ventriloquist, Magic, (ideas for skits), Oh the food was pretty good too!! We returned to the hotel for a quick refresher and headed to downtown Nashville. Wednesday night there were no live professional shows going however every bar and honky tonk was alive will much entertainment. The walk down the Music Mile was truely the way you hear about Nashville as being. We returned early to the hotel to pack :( we had an early flight and had to leave the hotel at 6 AM.
New England was well represented in Nashville. Beside ourselves was Jim & JoAnn Mayo, Johnny & Barbara Wedge, Skip Brown, Clark & Miriam Baker, Don Beck, Chris Pinkham, Jay & Sandi Silva, Larry & Betty Williams, Ken Ritucci, Guy & Barbara Steele.
We met and mingled with many people from all over the world. Our friends Trevor and Chris Day from England attended for their 12th consecutive year. During the conventions we became better acquainted with Scot & Erin Byars from Sacremento, California and they have agreed to join us as caller and cuer for our 2014 Alaska Cruise. East Meets West. We are really thrilled about this news.
The entire convention as stated before was an exciting, educational, grand ole opportunity for both of us.
Posted: to General News on Thu, Apr 26, 2012
Updated: Thu, Apr 26, 2012