2024 Christmas Newsletter
Looking to 2025
2024 The Year of Praise and Wonder
Perpetually seeking over Yonder
We began our year with construction in mind
Changing our screen room into a real room so fine.
Raising the floor two plus feet was no easy feat.
The walls and roof insulated was sweet
Our first excursion was South to Key West
Danced with Dennis & Elaine from Gloversville’s best.
Stayed in a marina on a house boat
Slept well, lulled to sleep while afloat.
The Everglades, boat trip to Marcus Island,
Nature’s shells hidden under the sand, we collected the bounty.
Fight over a fish to eat
Was it the dolphin or the pelican that got beat.
Cruise to the Caribbean – Rain every day
No Caller work, just time to play
Soggy Shore excursions rum tasting and banana daiquiris
Made everything sweet, so fresh and complete
Back to New England in time for the Convention
Another Surgery on the left knee, yes that makes three?
Everything previously done was removed.
All replaced anew, there’s nothing left they can do!!
SAS says send him to rehab, but that was not possible.
She has a long moooan, what’s a girl to do?
Summer, was a slow recovery time, trying to keep cool
No camping, ocean trips, just a lovely pool.
Finally calling from a stool
Twirling Campers / Horseshoe Acres back in the groove.
It’s Celebration Time
Don’s been calling for Forty years.
40th Anniversary, Bradford Country Squares has been hearing
Don, their caller for 30 of those years
7 Squares from around New England came to New London to dance
Clubs from near and far made it to Celebrate to remember by chance
October found Don flying to Florida for a Callers Clinic
Kip Garvey that man’s knowledge has no limit
Home to NE a quick trip to Plattsburgh, NY for a Halloween Dance.
Home only for hours and on to Boston, Then to England, SAS’s big prance.
Landed in the bright Sunshine
No Sunglasses needed - no other – day so fine
Drove out of Heathrow airport luxury in style
Knew we had lots of driving – 200 miles awhile
Diesel was the petroleum of choice
At $7.34 a gallon, we lost our voice
A 1700’s Pub welcomed us travelers in
Worcestershire childhood home of Sas and the Sauce
Sas yelled hip hip hooray, until she was hoarse
Toured nearby Harvington Hall, “The house of secrets”
Volunteers dressed in Elizabethan garb did greet us
Roman Catholic Priests who said Mass for the people
Were persecuted, into ‘hiding holes’ not to be found
Or down the latrine outside, into the grounds
Onto Chester with intact Roman WallsBuilt during 55BC to 43AD – Never to fall
Ironic our only modern hotel in our stay
At least no rain but oh so gray
Liverpool; Don’s favorite of our tour
onto the Magical Mystery bus – old songs we did roar
Each Beatles house – had a stop
Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, at the ‘Cavern’ we did drop!
Off to a square dance Halloween night
Don called, was his corner right?South to family and friends
SAS wished our trip would never end
A birthday celebration that lasted all day
The Lifeboat experience made Don’s stay
Fireworks lit up the cake
But sadly it was getting late
Back to Heathrow and returned the car
It was a beauty, that took us far
Flew home to the USA
An election happened while we were away
Best Wishes for the Holidays
Health and Happiness throughout the Year!
Sally-Ann & Don
Posted: to General News on Wed, Dec 18, 2024
Updated: Wed, Dec 18, 2024